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  • Writer's pictureAlan J. Fisher

The Alexander Novella Collection will soon be two

As you may already know, I sort of snuck Skander Draco (last minute name change, I liked it more) out last week without telling anyone. This was part experiment and partly because I spent all week fighting with my computer to get the paperback properly formatted. Added to that were issues with both the cover looking as I wanted and how Amazon demanded it be! So the revised Skander Draco eBook too and it has just been uploaded. The paperback; now in trade sized 5.25" X 8.0" will be on it's way shortly. I made a few last minute edits while formatting the paperbac manuscript and changing a few things around. Consider the one you already bought Edition One and now worth a lot of money! Come visit me and I will sign your screen for you!

As those of you who pay attention may already know, or at least suspect; I wasn't supposed to be writing these novellas...not at all. Some of you may remember Alan talking about finishing Turn Out to Inward and then devoting some time between Spanish translation as well as this blog and also the forum...well spotted you sharp-eyed folks you!!

I actually do not know how that happened!

Alright, yes I do. Joking and odd story telling aside (I AM a writer, excuse me for practising my craft!), no German elves/pixies/fairies or whatever they were in that story, wrote these Novellas, I did. I did not go to sleep exhausted with my stories half done (why in these stories does the protaganist never have any stamina?) and my brow all beetled; my financial future and prospects of my daughters uncertain. I would not them wake up, drolling all over my laptop (I'm sure that would void the warranty or something) only to find that all my stories had been finished as well as proof-read and excellently edited. I did all the writing bits myself, I just have no idea where all of this inspiration came from...I would hate to get into a plagarism law suit with miniature humans/mythical creatures.

It would seem that, after twenty some years of writers block, having my creativity dammed up and locked down (my own fault - x,y and z is more important than such pipe dreams, it's not that good anyway and I don't know how to finish it, etc. etc.; we've all been there), I am sort of struggling to control it now, it won't stop. I can't stop. I started writing and now, every spare moment I get, I write...Between calls at work, I write. When my babies are asleep and the wife busy on the weekend, I write. When everyone else has gone to bed, I write. I wonder what I'm going to do next...

Novella #2, The Victory of Wolves is coming very soon (probably next weekend if I can get the edit done through the week and then the upload proof ready). This is the interesting one. There have been mentions of old Marcos from the beginning but he has kept to himself, laconically so, in fact. Not any more.

The Ritual of the Kalshodar, Kalliades and Neshaa were muttering about? You can learn about that if you want. Many, Sham amongst them, might try to discourage you from that; it made him lose the lovely lunch Lupernikes had cooked for him!

Speaking of Sham...the next Novella may be called Snake Charmer unless I can come up with a good story for Neshaa between finishing The Victory of Wolves and then, that is. You see I don't actually know anymore. I sometimes think I am renting my mind on a kind of time-share scheme or something. Ideas come by and spend some time here and they either disappear or stay for a while...

Look out to Lupernikes though, it's going to be very good.

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